The Queen’s Baton comes to Sandwell – what an incredible day!

We’d like to thank absolutely everyone involved in the Queen’s Baton Relay. It was an incredible day and a fantastic example of how Sandwell is a Bostin Place full of Bostin People.

Thanks so much to all of our Batonbearers, all of the staff who made the day run smoothly, all of the organisations involved and every single person who came out to cheer them on.

Thousands upon thousands of people took to our streets and parks to welcome the Baton as it travelled through Sandwell and created an amazing atmosphere as we welcome the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.

We want to share moments from the day with you in each of our six towns – please read on for photographs of many of the incredible Batonbearers and the fantastic reception they had from the public.


Our first Batonbearer was Parveen Kaur, a sporty schoolgirl from Oldbury who had the honour of being the first to carry the Baton in her hometown.

Sandwell’s first Batonbearer, Parveen Kaur, gets ready to set off – pictured with her family, friends and supporters, and the Mayor of Sandwell Councillor Richard Jones, Leader of Sandwell Council Councillor Kerrie Carmichael and Cabinet Member for Leisure and Tourism Councillor Laura Rollins

Parveen passed on the Baton and it travelled through Oldbury, carried by Batonbearers including Fitzroy Davis, Abrar Alam and Liam Sheridan.

Abrar Alam handing baton to Liam Sheridan from West Brom Basketball Club

The event in Oldbury was buzzing with people including Blind Dave Heeley on stage, getting us all in the mood for the rest of the day.

Blind Dave Heeley on stage at the start of the Queen’s Baton Relay in Oldbury


Another fantastic turnout at Wednesbury bus station and at Brumswick Park.

Our amazing Batonbearers included Myles Hesson, international and Team England basketball star from Wednesbury, Destini Davis-Mitchell, a student from Stuart Bathurst High School, Riley who goes to Westminster School, marathon runner Rahul and Suzy and Owen Richards.

We had a great turn out to cheer on the baton and loved welcoming Perry the Games mascot.

Myles Hesson, an international and Team England basketball star from Wednesbury
Riley is an absolute superstar and loved carrying the Baton
A fantastic moment when Suzy and Owen handed over the Baton. Read their story.

A huge thank you to all of our Batonbearers in Wednesbury


Thank you to everyone who turned out at Victoria Park in Tipton.

Our Batonbearers in Tipton included domestic abuse campaigner Sahdaish Pall, who handed the Baton to Molly Jenner-Flukes – ambassador for women’s sports and mental health.

There was a lovely family atmosphere at the event and we loved seeing the kids dressed in our Celebrate Sandwell t-shirts.

Sahdaish Pall carries the Baton in Tipton
Molly Jenner-Flukes proudly carries the Baton
Looking great in Celebrate Sandwell t-shirts

Cradley Heath and Blackheath

So many of you turned up at Haden Hill House and Park to welcome the Baton – and the weather didn’t put you off!

The heavens may have opened but that didn’t stop the fun.

Crowds turned out to greet our wonderful Batonbearers including Thorns Collegiate Academy student Luke Stanway, Ormiston Forge student, Marcus Galli, Metal Health Support Worker, Jaqueline Riley-Lamb, Norma Hyde from Special Olympics Sandwell and Gulam Teladia who was awarded a British Empire Medal for his services to the community.

The Baton then travelled to Blackheath Town Centre via Waterfall Lane, the steepest hill in Sandwell. A special shout out to Dominic Bryan-James and Leon Rowe who tag-teamed the hill!

A simply unbelievable turn out at Haden Hill House and Park
Norma Hyde from Special Olympics Sandwell carried the Baton in Cradley Heath
Batonbearer Martin Searle carries the Queen’s Baton in Blackheath
A big thank you to the crowds who came along in Blackheath
Jacqueline Riley Lamb, Luke Stanway and Gulam Teladia with Mayor of Sandwell Councillor Richard Jones
Luke Stanway carries the Baton at Haden Hill Park

Bearwood and Smethwick

If we thought Haden Hill Park was busy – the turn out at Lightwoods Park in Bearwood blew us all away!
Harrison Wright brought the Baton into the park before it made its way around the park and onto the stage.

The crowd’s reaction was amazing when Haseebah Abdullah – England’s first hijab-wearing boxing coach – took to the stage after carrying the Baton on the final leg through the park, before the route set off down Bearwood Road and to Smethwick Galton Bridge.

One of the Smethwick Batonbearers was Parmjit Dhillon, an inspirational man who has done so much for his community.

We had hours of fun in the sunshine (and sometimes the clouds!) before the Baton arrived at Lightwoods Park
Mayor of Sandwell Councillor Richard Jones and his Consort Councillor Richard McVittie meet Steven the goat -who took a liking to the Consort’s chains!
Hundreds of people rushed from the park to watch Harrison pass with the Baton
Haseebah approaches the stage
Parmjit gets a warm welcome at Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick
The confetti fell outside Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick
Celebrating Sandwell as we wait for the Baton to arrive at the Lions of the Great War statue in Smethwick
The Queen’s Baton is carried by local wheelchair user Amy Swift at Galton Bridge

West Bromwich

The final leg of the Baton relay in Sandwell saw it come to West Bromwich.

One of our heroes and all-round Bostin bloke Blind Dave Heeley carried the Baton between Sandwell College and Bull Street.

And Oldbury-born athlete Jodie Stimpson also carried the Baton in West Bromwich. Jodie won two Gold medals back in 2014 at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games.

Blind Dave carries the Baton with his new Guide Dog, Peter.
Gold medal-winning athlete Jodie Stimpson from Oldbury carries the Baton in West Bromwich

The Baton was then taken through West Bromwich before arriving at Sandwell Valley Country Park where we held a huge celebration and parade to mark the end of the Queen’s Baton Relay and welcomed the start of the Commonwealth Games.

The Baton arrives in Sandwell Valley
Hundreds of people welcomed the Baton to the Valley
Mayor of Sandwell Councillor Richard Jones meets final Batonbearer Kiran Sahota as the crowds watch on

What an amazing day! Check out more photos on our Facebook page.

And don’t forget you can join us at the Sandwell Festival Site at Sandwell Valley to watch all of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games action on the big screen!

Starting with the opening ceremony (tickets free but booking necessary for opening and closing ceremonies) and then every day during the Games between 8am and 10pm.

Just turn up to watch the day’s sporting action for free! Including the swimming and diving events from the Sandwell Aquatics Centre in Smethwick.