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Serco’s Fire Heroes: Steve & Kevin’s story

Not all heroes wear capes, but some wear hi-vis jackets!

Local bin man Steve risked his own life for an incredible triple rescue after a maisonette went up in flames in Tipton this morning.

Serco UK employee Steve with help from his colleague Kevin, were on their daily route of bin collections, when the fire was spotted.

Steve climbed to the balcony three times to save the lives of a man, a woman and their dog. Once the rescues had been completed, Steve started banging on neighbours’ doors to alert them to the danger, whilst Kevin helped neighbours who’d evacuated their homes for safety.

Once they’d recovered over a coffee and a quick breather, the pair continued as normal with their trade waste round.

West Midlands Fire Service are also going to put Steve forward for an award.

Steve and Kevin we’re all so proud of you.

Steve and Kevin smiling